mandag, oktober 01, 2007

The idea...that has turned into a lie...

Well those of you who know me personally will know that I'm pretty blunt especially on my view of the countries where I have lived. I guess having lived in different countries has given me an opportunity to take a look from the inside and the outside.

One of the things that I have found that the three countries I have lived in have in common, is that all three of them are controled are influenced by a great lie about themselves.

Don't be mistaken it's not the same lie. The three countries, the USA, France and Denmark all have their own lie.

The lies interest me because they seem to permiatel the mainstream media, politicians and the population. I'm not sure in what direction that the three influence each other (as in most models the arrows probably have two arrowhead and all point to each other...), but I sit and watch the news, I hear the politicians and "common" man speak, and they all seem to believe in this lie or at least they are refrain from talking about
What interest me about the lie is that when I think of the lie of the countries is that if they faced them I feel that they would be much better of if they faced them and accepted them as fact.
I will be honest, I hope that you will help me develop, by discussing and challenging my view on these lies.
I hope to have presented my views on the three countries I have lived in, before I move to yet another country (the United Kingdom) at the end of november...