mandag, oktober 01, 2007

The idea...that has turned into a lie...

Well those of you who know me personally will know that I'm pretty blunt especially on my view of the countries where I have lived. I guess having lived in different countries has given me an opportunity to take a look from the inside and the outside.

One of the things that I have found that the three countries I have lived in have in common, is that all three of them are controled are influenced by a great lie about themselves.

Don't be mistaken it's not the same lie. The three countries, the USA, France and Denmark all have their own lie.

The lies interest me because they seem to permiatel the mainstream media, politicians and the population. I'm not sure in what direction that the three influence each other (as in most models the arrows probably have two arrowhead and all point to each other...), but I sit and watch the news, I hear the politicians and "common" man speak, and they all seem to believe in this lie or at least they are refrain from talking about
What interest me about the lie is that when I think of the lie of the countries is that if they faced them I feel that they would be much better of if they faced them and accepted them as fact.
I will be honest, I hope that you will help me develop, by discussing and challenging my view on these lies.
I hope to have presented my views on the three countries I have lived in, before I move to yet another country (the United Kingdom) at the end of november...

mandag, september 17, 2007

Time to get back to the blog

Well the thesis is handed in and now there are no longer any excuses to not write. So again I hope in the next weeks to start making this blog live again...
To be continued

mandag, juni 11, 2007

I'm an atheist

I am an atheist. I have been since the day when I was 5 and I asked my mother who Cain and Abel married? If it was thier sister that would probably explain some of the more insane people in this world. Bref...What has always haunted me about religion is the fact that most of them boil down to a unquestionable truth. This means that relgions perpetuate the notion that some things are not be asked about, cause they simply are. The lack of ability or legitimacy to ask questions about certain things has left it's horrible mark far beyond the church door or the philosophical excistential discussion. Unquestionability has led to such terrors as the Nazi regime, Culutral Revolution in China, Slavery and just halting the forward progress of humanity in general be it in science, philiosphy or worst of all free thought.I try to the best of my ability to not opress my opinions on others, however I never shy away from a discussion about religion, discussion is not opression, questioning is not opression, telling me that you will pray for my salvation is. (Save your prayers for someone else, they won't do me any good)To those that say that relgion is needed to create the basis for our society I can only say that many of the ten commandments are very much based in logic. Do not kill thy neighbor, if everybody did this no wars and hey nobody really wants to die are thinking of something that might come after death...I don't ask you to change you views because of my arguement, I only ask you to do the hardest of things, to question the very foundation on which you are raised and what you believe in. I ask myself and others for an argument that explains the existance of god. I have still to hear one that holds water and dosen't build on an unquestionable thruth.

I wrote this comment on the site. I encourage you to visit it as it is absolutely amazing. The comment I wrote was in the comments section to a speach by Richard Dawkins that I can only say you should see, believer or non-believer I would love to have a comment about this if you feel like giving me a piece of your mind...thanks

tirsdag, januar 30, 2007

Leaving it to the politicians...

Politicians are corrupt. Nobody believes in the political system. Democracy has failed. I even read on a blog a question raised on if France shouldn't go back to a monarchy. There are alot of discussions that can be raised on just those statements, but there is one element that strikes me in all of them. And that is the lack of responsibilty of the electorate.
One of the things that I most often hear here in France and it is a sentiment that I share, is how inbreed the political system seems to be. This of course has to do with that most of them went to the same schools and have been in the system for a very long time and well that not's healthy, but thats not my point.
My point is how much the population accepts this and although they complain about it, they accept it. Before anybody tells me that I'm overly critical of the french, let me say that the french are not alone at this.

It seems to me that the general electorate has forgotten their responsibility of not only voting, but participating in the everyday debat of politics and seeking an interest in the world that surrounds them.

I often hear that low particpation is the fault of visionless politicians and that the electorate has gotten bored and disenchanted with politics.

Although politicians and a corrupt system can seem to hamper a democratic process in the end the blame falls on the people. When politicians do not live up the expectations you elect new ones. And when the current politicans in France seem to continously mis-use the system it time to elect people who are not a part of this caste of upper french society and it's time to get rid of proffesional politicians.

This process is not a game show where people should win because they smile the right way, because they have the right sex, but because they want to do something.

People need to understand that power dosen't belong to the people, it belongs to the people that show up...So show up and start speaking...
In the famous words of Edmund Burke:
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing".

tirsdag, januar 09, 2007

I have a boss...

...and if you like to get a different view on things (and you read French) you should go to his site .
I just spent a couple of days with him in Saudi Arabia and they were spent wondering where all the women were, were we could have a night cap and discussing just about everything. We went over the upcoming presidential elections, the differences in immigration policies of Denmark and France, our first loves and which books that have meant something to us in our lives. Returning home and having visited his site; I realized how much I had missed writing my blog. As he says in his blog, writing a blog encourages you to follow the news, think of what is happening around you and the thing that is most interesting to me the sharing of views and opinion.

I'll try in the future to give my view on global/local political events, not too prove that they are right, but to encourage you my dear reader to help me develop my thoughts by letting them reflect in yours.

I hope you will follow in the future...

Happy New Year