mandag, november 14, 2005

People keep asking me...

What I think about everything thats going on in Paris. I normally answer that its impossible to say that the young people aren't integrated because they are doing everything the French way. In the 60 million Frenchmen can't be wrong the authors point out that the french society has been built on confrontation and that much of the social progress has been marked by violent revolutions. From the french revolutions in 1789 and in 1871. The student uprising in 1968, the days of insecurity during the crisis in Algeria. Not that I am for violence in any form, but its impossible to see the events that happend in France as anything other then a cry of desperation. When Sarkosie and the establishment in France states that everything has to come to order and then there will be a solution, i think of Antionettes famous words "If the people have no bread, let them eat cake."
I don't want to scare anybody but this is not just a french problem, I think the desperation in the face of a limited future goes beyond the french borders. I just hope we find a solution before it gets worse...

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